2 min readAug 2, 2021



So quick, my goals for this year which I am defining as the year between my 55th Birthday and my 56th birthday — June 2021 to June 2022.

Goals for my 55th year


Reach goal weight

Pay off house

Work on my side hustle — coaching

All goals have to be achievable. Never make a goal that you can never reach — that’s ridiculous and disheartening. You are setting yourself up to fail. And, no goals can compete with each other. In fact, it helps if the goals help the others along.

So, the goals of weight loss and getting strong enough with yoga to do a headstand will help work together nicely.

Plan for weight loss is Whole Foods weight loss for the diet with each meal consisting of 1/2 fruit or veggies, 1/4 beans or tofu and 1/4 a starchy veggie or grain. And, as you guessed, no alcohol.

Exercise is basically what Carly tells me but starting at 35m a day walking 5 days a week then working up from there to 1h of cardio with time being more important that speed and 1h or so on resistance exercises, yoga, etc…

Looking at my finances and my budget allows me to pay off the house.

Now, you have to make a plan because goals or dreams without a plan are just a wish — learned that one from Dave Ramsey. Listening to Dave Ramsey is also what put me in a position to pay my house off. So, double win, there.

And finally, the other thing that I want to focus on is my schedule because without a schedule you don’t get the important things done like exercise, food prep, blogs and videos. And, of course, working on my side hustle which at this point I expect to be coaching focusing on wellness and not sickness. All the things that will help me on the journey

Weight this am is 272.0 — so more down. And I traveled home today — no exercise but it was a long busy day at work with over 8000 steps.




My name is Rebecca Denson. I’m 54 years old and ready to change my life. Follow along with daily blogs.